"Service Beyond Expectations"
+977-9851058663 info@nepalascenttreks.com
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Privacy Policy

The privacy policy statement of Nepal Ascent Treks regarding the use and collection of personal information of the visitors from their visit to our website www.nepalascenttreks.com is given below:

  • When browsing through our website we do not collect personal information of the visitors. However, we will collect IP address and use cookies to identify the pages your visit to our pages. If we will require any personal information we will request the visitors to provide us the information.
  • To gather information about visitors’ use of our site and to improve the site we make use Google Analytics to watch visitors’ behaviour while going through our site.
  • If the visitors try to reach out to us and ask further information or if the visitors plan to go on with our certain trip package then we will ask them to provide us the necessary personal detail for the purpose of proving them the necessary information and making required arrangements for the trip.
  • We communicate with our visitors through email and only request for general information. We do not in any case request for credit card number, password, security number or any such information through email.
  • We may add links to other websites in our pages and we will not be responsible for any privacy issues or information mentioned in those sites. Visitors need to go through the privacy statement mentioned in other external websites.
  • If any fraudulent or deceitful actions relating to application and other services are identified then the visitors’ personal information can be used for taking legal action.
  • This website takes every precaution to protect our user's information. During data transmission, we use Secured Sockets layer (SSL) software, which encrypts information that you input.
  • We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect personally identifiable customer information.
  • We make occasional changes to our privacy policy and update it as required.
  • You may contact us directly if you have any queries, suggestions or comments regarding our privacy policy.