"Service Beyond Expectations"
+977-9851058663 info@nepalascenttreks.com
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Sittal Simkhada

Managing Director

Sittal Simkhada

Driven by a desire to share the wonders of Nepal with the world in a way that honored its natural beauty and cultural heritage, Mr. Simkhada took the bold step of co-founding Nepal Ascent Treks. As the company's Managing Director, he brings to bear his extensive expertise and profound understanding of the industry, guiding the company towards new heights of success.

Mr. Simkhada's leadership has been instrumental in shaping Nepal Ascent Treks into a premier adventure travel company, renowned for its commitment to quality, safety, and authenticity. Under his guidance, the company continues to inspire and empower travelers to embark on transformative journeys amidst the awe-inspiring beauty of the Himalayas.

With Mr. Sittal Simkhada at the helm, Nepal Ascent Treks remains dedicated to providing unforgettable experiences that leave a lasting impression on every traveler who has the privilege of exploring the majestic landscapes of Nepal with them.Bio: Mr. Sittal Simkhada

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Pratik Joshi


Pratik Joshi

Having honed his skills as a Digital Marketing Specialist over the course of ten years, Mr. Joshi recognized the immense potential of leveraging digital platforms to showcase the beauty of Nepal's landscapes and the unique experiences offered by adventure tourism. Fueled by a passion for his homeland and a desire to showcase its wonders to the world, he co-founded Nepal Ascent Treks.

With a deep understanding of both the technical nuances of digital marketing and the intricacies of business development, Mr. Joshi is adept at crafting compelling narratives that resonate with audiences across various digital platforms. His innovative approach to marketing not only attracts new travelers to Nepal Ascent Treks but also fosters lasting connections with existing clients, ensuring their continued satisfaction and loyalty.






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Ram Kaji Bhujel

Trekking Guide

Ram Kaji Bhujel
Ganga Magar

Trekking Guide

Ganga Magar
Pawan Khadka

Trekking Guide

Pawan Khadka
Safal Thapaliya

Trekking Guide

Safal Thapaliya
Ngima Nuru Sherpa

Climbing Guide

Ngima Nuru Sherpa
Shirish Khadka

Tour Guide

Shirish Khadka